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Dandelion Flower Tea has a particularly delicate flavor profile. When you decide to blend it with other flavors you need to take particular care in balancing the flavors so that you don’t overwhelm the dandelion flower tea.
But that’s just not the case with dandelion flower tea. Whether you’re adding a little bit of lemon or mixing it with another flower herbal tea like hibiscus or lavender balancing the flavors is going to be of the utmost importance.
If you are just interested in a great dandelion flower/leaf tea to use as the base for these blends then I recommend Buddha Teas Organic Dandelion Leaf Teabags.

1. Use The Right Kind Of Water
The type of water you use can have an incredibly profound impact on the overall flavor of your dandelion flower tea.
You don’t want to use water that has too many minerals in it as they will influence the flavor especially with a tea as delicate as dandelion flower tea.
But you don’t want your water to be flat and sterile which will end up having your tea tastes a bit flat as well.
The ideal water for a cup of dandelion flower tea is around 7 ph. This is a typical bottle of spring water from your grocery store, but they can tend to vary from brand to brand and source to source.
Ultimately it’s going to come down to a personal taste of what water is best for you I just suggest using a balanced 7ph bring water as the Baseline for your tea and then you can experiment and find what is perfect for you.
2. Steep Dandelion Flower Tea At The Right Temperature
A common misconception about steeping tea is that you just take boiling water and pour it over your Loose Leaf flowers or leaves or a teabag and then just stupid from there.
But this is the absolute wrong way to make tea. There are very few instances where you want to use boiling water?
This is less of an issue for flower herbal infusions than it is for regular tea but you still want to let your water cool off just a little bit before pouring it over your dandelion flowers.
I recommend a water temperature of around 200°F/93°C as a good starting place for your dandelion flower tea.
3. Don’t Over Steep Your Dandelion Flower Tea
Another aspect of the steeping process that can really change the overall flavor of your dandelion flower tea is the amount of time that you steep the tea for.
I recommend a 7 to 10-minute step to get the most out of your dandelion flowers. Always steep your tea covered as well. This will help give you the best flavor for your dandelion flower tea.
Overstepping any tea or herbal infusion will 10 to create a more bitter brew and one that becomes less and less drinkable for the majority of tea drinkers.
It’s not as pronounced an herbal flower and fusion as it is in regular or true tea. Green tea, check out our guide, is particularly susceptible to over steeping.
So while you don’t have to be as exact with a dandelion flower tea, it’s still a good idea to keep your steep time within the narrow range, to begin with.
Then you can experiment on longer and shorter steep times to get the taste of the dandelion flower tea perfect for your specific needs.
Steeping Recap
- Balanced Spring Water ~7pH
- A Water Temp Of 200°F/93°C
- A Steep Time Of 7 to 10 minutes or to your specific tastes.

4. Vanilla Brings A Smooth Flavor
Vanilla is an incredibly Smooth Operator when adding it to just about any tea. While it works best with a more robust tea like a good full-flavored black tea, it still makes a wonderful partner for a more delicate infusion like your dandelion flower tea.
I’ve seen people add vanilla to there T’s in a couple of interesting ways. Sometimes you’ll see vanilla added to the steeping water. I’m not a huge fan of this as I don’t think it gives you enough time to draw out the full flavor of the vanilla bean.
My preferred way of adding vanilla to dandelion flower tea, or any flower herbal infusion for that matter, is to finely chop the vanilla and then add it to your dried dandelion flowers.
Put it in an enclosed tin where it can sit for a couple of weeks and then steep your tea is normal. You’re going to have a very robust vanilla-flavored dandelion tea that is just fantastic.
It does take a little more time in a little more preparation but I think this is probably the best way to make the best cup of vanilla dandelion flower tea you’re ever going to have.
5. Ginger Adds A Little Spice To Your Dandelion Tea
Ginger is one of my favorite things to add to just about any tea. The flavor of Ginger is so unique it’s spicy yet cooling has a bit of a kick to it.
It is just an all-around wonderful flavor to add to your tea. It works great with green teas and black teas but it is fantastic when added in moderation to a dandelion flower tea.
Just A slice of fresh ginger root put into the boiling water when you’re preparing to make your dandelion flower tea will give you just enough Ginger flavor without overpowering the delicate balance of the dandelion flower tea.
If you pick one flavor to add to your dandelion tea from this list I recommend Ginger you just can’t go wrong with it.
6. Add A Bit Of Lemon
Citrus flavors and tea often go hand in hand. And by far the most popular Citrus flavor to add to any tea is lemon.
We have a couple more citrus flavors on this list but lemon is going to be the go-to for many of you because it is so familiar and it is so commonplace with tea.
It works wonderfully well with dandelion flower tea as well. It can easily overpower the flavor of the dandelion flower tea so you need to be careful with how much you put into your cup of tea.
For me, I put any in it’s a very slight amount typically less than a teaspoon for a cup of dandelion flower tea.
Any more than that and I feel like it overpowers the dandelion flower tea to the point where it tastes more like a lemon drink than an herbal infusion.
7. Lime Brings A Citrus Kick
Lime is often lemons little brother when it comes to flavoring T’s. Although it has become more popular in recent years.
The flavor of lime is quite a bit different than lemon and brings a whole new Citrus flavor to your dandelion flower tea.
In my opinion, lime works a little bit better with the floral and slightly Sweet Taste of the dandelion flower tea.
As a result, I find out if I’m going to add a citrus flavor to mine dandelion flower tea than it is usually going to be a wedge of lime instead of a lemon or an orange peel.
8. Sencha Green Tea Brings A Nice Grassy Flavor
Green tea is one of my favorite teas. Full stop. I tend not to add anything to it but I found that adding an herbal infusion to a nice sencha green tea often enhances the flavor of both.
I don’t do this often but I found that adding a little loose-leaf green tea to my steeping dandelion flowers makes for a pretty wonderful taste combination.
Neither side really overwhelms the other’s flavor and it balances out pretty nicely. You get quite a grassy flavor from the green tea bag and a bit of a sweet floral flavor from The Dandy lion which works together surprisingly well.
9. Naturally Sweet Hibiscus Adds A Nice Element
Hibiscus is a wonderful flower herbal infusion to add to your dandelion flower tea. Hibiscus is a little bit sweeter than dandelion flower tea and a little bit more floral as well.
You have to be careful not to add too much hibiscus so you will risk overpowering the dandelion flower tea. In the right proportions, it can add just enough additional floral and sweet flavors to the dandelion tea to make it a real treat to drink.
The dandelion tea helps smooth out some of the bitterness of the hibiscus tea, see our flavor profile, and together they really balance each other out and make a great little homemade dandelion tea blend.
10. Cinnamon Works Great With Dandelion Flower Tea
Like most of the other flavors on our list, cinnamon must be used in moderation when adding it to dandelion flower tea.
You could add a whole stick to a robust back tea and not overpower it, but with the more delicate dandelion flower tea, a few small pieces will do just fine.
Once you get the right amount for your tastes you are in for a spicy treat as the cinnamon adds a new layer of flavor to your dandelion flower tea.
11. Give Your Dandelion Tea A Floral Boost With Some Lavender
I have to find that Lavender is a great compliment to just about any tea. It’s particularly fantastic in a nice black tea where it can let loose lavenders full floral potential without overwhelming the tea itself.
It works great with dandelion flower tea as well however you need to be careful about how much lavender you add in or it will completely overwhelm the flavor of the dandelion flower tea.
If you’re using dry flowers I would suggest something along the lines of 80% dandy-lion and 20% lavender at the most.
If you start to get a higher percentage of lavender tea you’re basically drinking lavender tea with a tiny bit of dandelion flavor in it.
It’s just the nature of how the floral flavor notes of lavender tea are so pronounced that they can easily overwhelm a lot of other flavors in many other herbal flower teas.
12. Sweeten With A Little Honey
Honey is a natural way to add quite a bit of sweetness to your dandelion tea. Honey is often preferred over sugar because it is viewed as a more natural and organic sweetener.
However, honey will add calories to your dandelion tea. This may not be an issue depending on your diet but do be aware that it will add calories and carbs to your dandelion flower tea.
But the trade-off is you get a smoother and more drinkable dandelion tea for many people who like something with a little bit more sweetness to it.
All you need is a couple of drops of Honey to really add the sweetness to your tea. It’s important not to add too much or the sweet honey will completely overwhelm the dandelion tea and you just have a cup of honey water essentially.

13. Chamomile Is a Great Partner For Dandelion Flower Tea
Chamomile is another flower herbal infusion that has a very delicate taste, check out our chamomile tea flavor profile, similar to that of dandelion flower tea.
What makes these two flowers work so well together is that they each bring their own unique flavor without overpowering the other one completely.
The natural sweetness of the dandelion flower tea really complements the subtle RC tones of the chamomile.
Dropping a couple of loose leaf chamomile flowers into your steeping dandelion flower tea is going to bring you a whole new taste experience.
I would recommend equal parts chamomile and dandelion if you decide to mix the dried flowers together to create your herbal flower tea blend.
14. Dandelion Flower Tea And An Orange Peel
Orange Peel is another traditional Citrus flavor that you can add to your tea. While the (bergamot) orange peel is well-known for giving Earl Grey its unique and world-renowned flavor, adding a little bit of orange-peel to your dandelion flower tea is a great way to get a nice citrusy flavor.
This is one of those dandelion flower tea flavor blends that not a lot of people think of and it might be a bit more of a hassle than some of the other options but give this a try at least once. See how you like it, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
15. Add Some Mint To Your Dandelion Tea
Mint is another classic edition for just about any cup of tea. It’s a tradition in many regions to put mint into a pitcher of iced tea on a hot summer day.
It works just as well for a nice cup of dandelion flower tea. You do need to temper how much mint you put in because it can overpower the flavor of the dandelion tea.
If you are actively looking into overpowering the dandelion tea with an ice mint flavor then you can always put a little bit more in and get more of a mint tea than a dandelion tea.
There are a wide variety of mints that you can use. Peppermint and spearmint are probably the two most recognizable mints that you can add to your tea.
But keep in mind that there are quite a few other types of mints that work wonders in your dandelion flower tea.

16. Black Tea Can Overpower Your Dandelion Flower Tea
Black tea is always a great option to mix with just about any herbal tea. The issue here is that black tea will almost always overwhelm the majority of the flavors that you’re going to get from an herbal infusion.
This is especially true for a dandelion flower tea because it is so delicate and its flavors are not really overpowering.
Mixing dandelion flower tea with a black tea will give you all the benefits of a dandelion tea without the flavor if it’s the flavor that is causing you the biggest problems.
One thing I will add is that when you mix it with the black tea it does become a caffeinated drink so you lose the caffeine-free aspect of the dandelion tea
17. A Splash Of Milk
Milk and cream are yet another Mainstay for tea drinkers around the world. They are often added to every type of tea and herbal infusion under the sun.
Dandelion flower tea is no exception. A couple of splashes of milk will help with any lingering bitterness and give you a smooth creamy texture that many tea drinkers just love.
Keep in mind though that adding milk will add calories and sugars to your dandelion flower tea.
So if you’re on a keto diet or practice intermittent fasting than you are going to want to avoid adding cream or milk or anything with calories to your dandelion flower tea.

The Finishing Touches On Your Dandelion Flower Tea Blends
I think dandelion flower tea taste Wonderful by itself. It has a wonderful floral and slightly sweet taste, check out our full dandelion flower tea flavor profile here.
Be sure to choose dandelion flower tea. Roasted dandelion root tea, or dandelion coffee(source) as it is also known, has a very different flavor to that of dandelion flower tea.
But sometimes you want to add a little something to your tea to give you a new experience. Hopefully, you found something on this list that really inspires you to try it has a flavor additive to your dandelion flower tea.
There are plenty of other flavors that you can add to your dandelion tea to change up the flavor a little bit. Think of this list as a starting point for your experimentation with all these wonderful flavors.
One thing I’ve learned is that you’ll be surprised at how many wonderful combinations you can find just by mixing two teas together.
Take a nice green tea and mix it with any herbal flower tea, for example, and you have a whole new flavor experience to explore. Whether it is any good is another story but you only learn by trying
Flower herbal teas, in particular, are wonderful bases to experiment with these blends because they have such pronounced floral flavors And they are oftentimes naturally sweet.
You can also add just about any spice or seasoning to a cup of tea to really change the flavor and give you a whole new type of experience.
So just go out and experiment and find what you like because at the end of the day the only opinion on what makes a good tea is your opinion because you were the one that’s going to be drinking it.
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day.