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Hello everybody and welcome back. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day And I want to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to spend a little bit of it reading this article about the wonderful bilberry leaf tea.
What Does Bilberry Tea Taste Like? Bilberry leaf tea is made from the leaf of the bilberry plant and has a Tangy Berry Flavor with a bit of a leafy or grassy aftertaste. It also has some earthy undertones and some people think that it has a bit of a medicinal taste as well.
If you are just looking for a good Bilberry tea to try then I recommend Buddha Teas Organic Bilberry Leaf Tea. With all that out of the way let us take a look at what bilberry leaf tea should taste like and how to make a cup for yourself.

The Flavor Profile Of Bilberry Tea
Bilberry tea is made with the leaves of the plant and not the berries but it still retains some of that expected berry flavor. I would argue that the berry flavor of the bilberry tea leans more towards a blueberry although not nearly as sweet and a little bit tangier than you would expect from a typical blueberry.
Bilberry Leaf Tea Is Tart And Tangy
The tart Tangy flavor of the bilberry tea is where we’re going to start our look at the overall flavor profile of this herbal leaf tea. When you take your first sip the tartness is probably what you’re going to notice first of all.
I think the tart and tangy flavor of the bilberry is what is really going to dominate the flavor experience for the entire cup of tea although you do get some interesting flavors as you continue to drink it and as you get to the aftertaste and the finish of the tea.
With A Bit Of Grassy Flavor
After the Tangy flavor passes your lips you’re going to start to notice a grassy or vegetable type of flavor. This is due to the fact that the bilberry tea is actually made of the bilberry leaf and not the berries themselves.
It is a fairly subtle grassy flavor, in my estimation. it’s certainly noticeable but I don’t think it overwhelms the tart flavor in the least. So it’s more of an aftertaste or a lingering flavor once you’ve swallowed your sip of bilberry tea.
And A Little Earthiness
I think part of the grassy flavor that I mentioned previously is going to lead into the earthy flavor of the tea this is a bit of a weird flavor to describe it’s a bit dirty, it tastes a bit like a freshly tilled field smells.
In some herbal teas it is very pronounced and can be overwhelming however for bilberry tea it’s a background flavor at best but one that you will notice if you have some experience with herbal teas and particularly ones with an earthy flavor component to them.
With A Slight Hint Of Bitterness
I don’t find bilberry tea to be all that bitter at all but there is a slight hint of it. Typically when you have a tart and tangy herbal tea it tends to smooth out the tea quite a bit and remove a lot of the bitterness that you might expect from an herbal tea.
I think it’s similar to hibiscus tea in this regard, not in the overall flavor they’re very different, but in the way, the tart flavor cancels out a lot of the expected bitterness.
The Aroma Of Bilberry Leaf Tea
The aroma of bilberry tea is quite soothing I find it to be a bit of a berry Aroma with a touch of greenery or lease and quite a bit of what I would describe as an herbal smell to it.
The herbal flavored does come across in the t a little bit but I don’t think it makes up a major part of the overall flavor profile. The aroma overall is very nice and something you want to spend a little bit of time breathing in to get the full experience of a good cup of bilberry tea.
How To Make Bilberry Leaf Tea
Making a cup of bilberry leaf tea is pretty straightforward. It’s a popular enough herbal infusion that there are some packaged teabag versions that make it very easy to do prepare a cup of this herbal tea.
Personally, I like to use Buddha Teas Organic Bilberry Leaf Tea for my bag version when I go that route.
For a Loose-leaf homemade cup of bilberry tea, try this…
- 2 Teaspoons of Organic Bilberry Leaf
- Use about 10 oz of spring water
- Water Temperature should be 205°F/96°C
- Steep covered for 5 to 10 minutes or to your personal tastes
- Enjoy!
For loose leaf bilberry, I use Starwest Botanicals Organic Bilberry Leaf. You can find it cut and sifted in a variety of sizes.
That is really all there is to it. I find the loose-leaf version to be a little bit more flavorful but not by a whole lot. The bagged version is quite good and a bit more convenient for a quick cup.
The Bilberry Tea Finish
That brings us to the end of our look at bilberry leaf tea. This is going to be an herbal tea that is not going to make its way into the mainstream anytime soon I don’t think.
I just think it’s overlooked for whatever reason. I can’t really put my finger on why this tea would be an enjoyable one for many mainstream tea drinkers to drink but it doesn’t seem to have the penetration of a chamomile tea or lavender tea or even a hibiscus tea at this point.
That could change in the future and we could all be drinking all the types of bilberry leaf tea Blends made by the biggest companies in the world but I don’t see it happening anytime soon.
Looking for other great herbal infusion options, then check out Buddha Teas’ amazing selection of herbal teas.
Thank you all for stopping by and have a wonderful day.