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I always look forward to trying new teas. And we have a very interesting one to take a look at today.
Fenugreek Seed Tea.
I had heard a little bit about it and did some research for the articles surrounding this tea. But I couldn’t find a decent flavor profile for it, you can read mine here.
So I didn’t quite know what to expect when I set out on my journey to review this particular tea.
I picked up a box from Buddha Teas at set off to give you an honest first impression review of this seed herbal tea offering. Let’s see what I found.
Who Are Buddha Teas?
Buddha Teas is an online tea store that specializes in all manner of herbal teas. They have a huge selection of flower, root and seed teas as well as many regular teas including a nice selection of green and black teas.
Overall, they are one of the finest tea stores on the internet in my opinion. I often turn to them to find new and interesting herbal infusions as they have some very interesting ones available.
Including the subject of our review here today. So without further adieu let’s have a look at Buddha Teas Fenugreek Seed Tea.
A Brief History of Fenugreek Seed Tea
Fenugreek seed is common to the near east and middle east and could have been used as far back as 4000 BCE(source). It is often used in dishes in many places in Asia and the Middle East, as well as some uses in India.
And of course, it is used in tea. When it was first used as an infusion is largely unknown but it can be reasonably surmised that it would have been put into tea form early on in its discovery.
The seed has been used to treat a wide variety of ailments over the centuries. And modern science seems to point to some of these actually being worthwhile(source). But more studies need to be done to really find out what these little seeds can really do for us.
The Taste
Fenugreek seed tea has a distinct maple flavor that most people will pick out as the most prominent flavor note. There are others, however. The tea is a little bitter with a slight sweetness to it as well.
It is pretty balanced and not too overwhelming but it does feel kind of thick for lack of a better word. The other main flavor that I came away from this tea with was a nutty flavor at its base.
On the surface, this nutty, almost roasted flavor, would make for a great compliment to the maple notes that blend with it. but I just didn’t feel like they worked as well together as I thought they should have.
This left me with kind of a “meh” attitude towards the flavor. It is a nice infusion but not one that I will probably add to my repertoire after the current batch I have is used up.
The Aroma
The Aroma of the fenugreek seed tea is actually pretty fantastic. The maple aroma is really the thing that is going to stick out to most people and I have to say it is a very pleasant smell.
It reminds you of a buttery pancake drenched in maple syrup. Not nearly as sugary though. Still, that might be the problem I have with the overall experience. It doesn’t feel like I am drinking tea.
It feels more like a soup than anything else. I can’t place my finger on it but the aroma definitely plays into the overall feel that this is just not a tea that I think is great. Good. But not great.
The Packaging
I really like Buddha Teas Packaging. It is simple yet effective. They have a color for each type of tea and it works well to really give each tea its own identity.
In this case, the fenugreek seed tea is in a nice tan and black box that reflects the color of the tea and the fenugreek seeds themselves.
The non-bleached bags that Buddha Teas uses for its bagged herbal teas are among the best around. I prefer loose leaf tea but for something like a seed tea the bags are actually pretty preferable, in my opinion.

My Overall Enjoyment of Fenugreek Seed Tea
Having never tried fenugreek tea before I found it to be quite good. Not great. It certainly won’t make my top 5 favorite all-time teas.
But it is not bad.
The maple flavor was the high point for me. I found it to be very interesting and complex tea to drink.
The problem I had was that it didn’t really feel like a tea to me. It was more like a soup for lack of a better term.
It is not necessarily a bad thing but you have certain expectations for an herbal infusion and this one was just average. Which is probably the worst place to be.
If it was horrendous I might have had more to say about it, but it was just not that memorable aside from the nice little maples notes. I recommend everyone give it a try but just for the novelty if not the actual taste.
At any rate, I hope you enjoyed the review and hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Thanks for visiting and I hope to see you all again soon