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Welcome to our post featuring the top 10 hibiscus tea brands to try in 2023! If you’re a fan of hibiscus tea or looking to explore the world of floral-infused beverages, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best hibiscus tea brands that are sure to delight your taste buds and leave you feeling refreshed. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of the best hibiscus teas and discover the brands that stand out from the rest.
Hibiscus tea holds a special place in my heart. Hibiscus is one of the exceptional herbal teas. It is a wonderfully sweet and tangy infusion that brings a fruity and flowery taste experience to the proceedings. It truly is wonderful. These are some of the best hibiscus tea brands for you to try right now.
Not in the mood to read a long article about hibiscus tea. Let me recommend Art Of Tea’s Hibiscus Cooler as one of my favorites on this list, but rest assured they are all top-quality herbal infusions no matter which you choose.
Looking For Your Next Favorite Tea? Check Out The Great Teas, Blends, and Herbal Infusions at the Art Of Tea. They have teas for every taste and occasion.

1. Art Of Tea Hibiscus Cooler
The tea from this beautiful flower is a crimson delight and this brand is an exceptional example of it. Art Of Tea makes some of the best tea blends around and their Hibiscus Cooler is a wonderful addition to any tea repertoire.
How Does It Taste
The taste of this hibiscus tea is wonderful. There is always a subtle difference between even the same type of tea. And this offering is no exception. I find the taste of Hibiscus Cooler to be a little more tart and tangy than some of the others on this list and the lemongrass adds to that tangy citrusy flavor.
Everyone is going to have their own take on any given flavor profile. But it has been consistent enough for me to feel comfortable with this assessment of the tea. Still, I do not add any sweeteners to the tea as I find it outstanding without the need for them. This brand of hibiscus tea does make a great blend, however.
Proper Steeping
I recommend using the suggested instructions for each different brand as a starting point for finding your perfect cup of tea. Each brand will have a slight variation on their steeping instructions so be sure to check out the label when you are trying a new tea.
Here are the steeping instructions for Hibiscus Tea.
- Water Temperature at 205°F
- 2 Teaspoons Hibiscus Cooler Tea
- Steep for about 3 to 5 minutes for the first cup. Then steep to taste.
This gives you a pretty good cup of hibiscus tea. I let mine steep for the full 5 minutes and use slight boiling water. Experiment to find your own sweet spot. You can check the current price of the Art Of Tea Hibiscus Cooler here.
The Finish
This has to be one of my favorite hibiscus teas. The lemongrass adds a nice little bit extra to the tea and the packaging and freshness are what you can expect from all of Art Of Tea’s offerings. No list of the best hibiscus tea would be complete without this gem on it.
While I drink the tea by itself quite often, It also blends very well with other herbal teas. Particularly well with chamomile tea. You can find other great flavor additions for chamomile tea in our article here.
2. Teavivre Dreamy Hawaii Fruit Tea
Roselle is a flower that is part of the hibiscus family. They are the same genus however and can be used interchangeably for the most part. Roselle is the basis for this herbal fruit tea so I thought it deserved to be on our list.
Being an herbal tea, Teavivre Dreamy Hawaii Fruit Tea is not really a tea at all but what is known as an herbal infusion. It simply means that it is something other than a tea leaf steeped in water. It is common and acceptable to call them herbal teas. Although some people get a little prickly about it.
The Taste And Aroma
This tea has a wonderfully fruity and floral taste to it. Like most hibiscus teas this offering has a little bit of a tart or tangy edge to it. The aroma is very floral when dry and you can really get a good noseful right before you begin the steeping process. I always make a little time for a quick sniff of the dried petals or leaves to get the tea-drinking process started.
Some Of The Flavors Include:
- Roselle
- Mango
- Pawpaw
- Pineapple
- Grape
- Lemon
Make A Perfect Cup
These are the suggested steeping instructions for this type of hibiscus tea. I always use the exact instructions when I make my first cup of a new tea. Then I experiment until I find the sweet spot for my tastes.
Suggested Steeping Instructions For Teavivre Dreamy Hawaii Fruit Tea
- 3g of Roselle Tea Leaves
- 100°C Water Temperature
- 3-5 Minute Brew Time
I found these steeping instructions to be pretty spot-on. For many herbal teas, you need your water to be quite a bit hotter than with other teas. Green tea, for example, needs to be well below boiling for a good cup. You can find out more about green tea steep temperatures in our article here.
The Finish
I really enjoy this particular hibiscus tea. You can get it in a resealable zip bag or a little tin. The tin, in particular, is pretty nice and seals up just fine. It is more expensive, however.
Teavivre’s addition to our list is exactly what you want in a hibiscus tea. It’s robust and fruity with a hint of sweetness that really makes for a refreshing drink. I did not add anything to mine as I tend to like teas and infusions with as few additives as possible. But that’s a personal taste.
Honey goes well with this particular brand as does a little ginger in the boiling water. I think Teavivres’ herbal tea will delight you as much as it does me and you will be very satisfied with it. Try the wonderful Teavivre Dreamy Hawaii Fruit Tea for yourself.
3. Hibiscus Black — Adagio Teas
Our first offering on this of the Best Hibiscus Tea that is a hibiscus tea blended with a true tea. While this might not be a true cup of hibiscus tea, It is just too good to pass up. Black tea really compliments hibiscus incredibly well. You can check out more ways to flavor black tea in our article here. But back to the blend at hand.
One note to add is that the inclusion of black tea in the blend means that the caffeine jumps quite a bit for this particular tea. Hibiscus is naturally caffeine-free, black tea is most definitely not. On to how it tastes
The Taste And Aroma
It is robust with the fruity sweetness of the hibiscus powering through the rich black tea. Making it a unique addition to our list. You really get the best of both worlds with Adagio Teas’s fantastic blended offering.
I still recommend drinking it straight up with no sweeteners but many will want to add a little honey or sugar just to counteract the natural tartness of the hibiscus and the bold black tea flavor. Try it out for yourself. I think you will really enjoy this wonderful blend. You can find this outstanding Hibiscus black tea at Adagio Teas.
The Perfect Cup
Steeping a blended tea can be a little tricky. You need to make sure your water is hot enough for the herbal infusion but doesn’t burn the tea leaves. Fortunately, black tea can take the heat better than most and the suggested instructions work pretty well.
Steep Instructions for Hibiscus Black Tea
- 3 Minute Steep Time
- 212° Steep Temperature
- 2 Teaspoons of Leaves
The only thing I would change for my own personal tastes is to drop the temperature of the water down a little bit. Around 200°F is my sweet spot.
The Finish
I would recommend this remarkable tea to just about anyone for just about any time of day. The exception would be just before bed because of the caffeine content in this blended tea. Other than that, this is a great example of taking to fantastic teas and carefully blending them in the bag before you steep them.
This is the way to do blends if you can. Always mix them and let them hang out together in a cool dry place before brewing a delicious cup of blended tea. Hibiscus black tea at Adagio Teas earns a deserved place on and list of the best hibiscus teas.
4. Frontier Co-op Organic Hibiscus Tea
These dried hibiscus flowers from Frontier Co-op can be used for a variety of cooking recipes. It is not just for brewing tea. But the tea it produces is so good that I have included it on this list. You simply steep it like you would any other loose-leaf hibiscus petals.
It is just as good as any other dried hibiscus when it comes to brewing tea. It is a good thing to remember when searching for these herbal infusions. Many of them have other cooking applications, but finding a little diamond in the rough for a good cup of tea is not out of the question.
The Taste And The Aroma
Mildly sweet and a little bit tart. The floral notes seem to come through with this brand a little bit more, in my opinion. You can definitely smell the flowers when you open up the bag. It is a delightfully fragrant experience. The fruity, some would say cranberry flavor is well represented with the Frontier Co-op offers. But the floral notes really shine through for this brand.
How To Make A Great Cup
The steeping instructions are much like any other hibiscus tea. You want your water close to boiling and a long steep time.
Recommended Steeping Instructions
- A teaspoon of Dried Hibiscus Flowers
- Steep Covered for 3-5 minutes
- A 205°F Steep Temperature is Ideal
These recommended numbers work fairly well for a good cup of tea. I tend to push the upper limits of the time suggested. Around a full 5-minute steep seems to bring out the best in this particular herbal infusion.
The Finish
Just because it is not called an herbal tea doesn’t mean you cannot make it into one. This brand is simply labeled as dried hibiscus flowers. The same as if you had grown and dried your own flowers and then steeped them into a homemade brew.
But they are delightful. The bulk bag is a great way to get a good amount of cups of tea without having to worry about running out of bags in the short term. I enjoy Frontier Co-op’s various herbal infusions, but their hibiscus offering is among the best they have. and among the best, you can buy anywhere. You can find Frontier Co-op Organic Hibiscus Tea(*affiliate link) at Amazon. Give them a try. You won’t regret it.
5. Feel Good Organics Hibiscus Tea
This entry onto our list comes to us in its raw form from Egypt. It is certified 100% organic. Cut and sifted in a resealable bag. This loose-leaf hibiscus tea is absolutely fantastic. Everything on this list is great. It is a “best of” list after all.
But Feel Good Organics has really knocked it out of the park with their hibiscus offering even among these other great brands. There is really nothing not to like about this amazing tea. Try it for yourself and see if you agree. You can find Feel Good Organics Hibiscus Tea (*affiliate link) at Amazon.
The Taste And Aroma
One of the most flavorful hibiscus teas I have had the pleasure of drinking. It really is that good. The delightful blend of the familiar fruity and floral. With just a hit on tartness and tanginess. It is not a unique flavor.
But it is a great example of an almost perfect hibiscus tea. Every note is balanced wonderfully with each other. Not too flowery, not too sweet, not too fruity or tart. Just a remarkable balance of an exceptional hibiscus tea.
Brewing A Perfect Cup
Like any other tea, making sure you have your steeping plan in place before you start is critical. Doubly so for this particular brand. It is such a good and balanced cup of tea that you want to make sure you get it just right.
The Steeping Instructions
- Steep Time is 5 minutes
- Steep Temperature is 205°F
- A Teaspoon of Flowers will give you the perfect cup.
Pretty straightforward in terms of steeping. It is very similar to most of the other brands on our list. The only change that I would make is that I would add another half teaspoon of flowers to the mix. But that is just personal preference.
The Finish
I am not sure how many more plaudits I can give this fantastic entry on our list of Best Hibiscus Tea. It is a dream to drink. The experience starts from the moment you open up the back and take in that wonderful flowery hibiscus smell.
And it lasts until you finish that last drop of crimson delight. Unless of course, you are already preparing your next cup. That might be the biggest issue with this particular hibiscus tea. You just want another cup right after you finish your first one. I urge you to give this one a try, even if you don’t love some of the others. It should be experienced at least once.
6. U.S. Wellness Hibiscus Tea
Another very good hibiscus tea from the Nile region of Egypt. This is a 100% organic full-flower hibiscus tea. This tea is 100% USDA Certified Organic so you can buy and drink with confidence that you are getting exactly what you paid for.
The tea itself is a good example of Egyptian hibiscus. The flowers are well preserved and steep properly. Overall US Wellness has done a nice job of getting these wonderful flowers to us in a timely manner, making for a fresh cup of tea.
The Taste And Aroma
This is a pretty standard hibiscus in terms of its flavor. It is great, don’t get me wrong. Just a little behind Feel Good Organics Hibiscus Tea. But then again most things do fall a little short of that fantastic tea brand. The taste is familiar fruity and tart.
The natural sweetness cuts through some of the tanginess and there is a floral note that I think dissipates a little when you steep the tea. Or at least it is not as pronounced as it is when you smell the flowers in the bag.
Steeping Instructions
There are only slight variations for steeping the teas on this list. And I know that they can look so similar that some might question why I don’t just put a catch-all for all the steeping instructions. I just think it is important to show even the slightest variations that the producer recommends so you have all the information available to you.
U.S. Wellness Hibiscus Tea Steeping Instructions
- A 4-minute Steep Time Seems To Be Ideal
- 210°F Is The Sweet spot I find
- Around 2 Teaspoons of Flowers works just right.
As always these are just suggestions to start with. Find your own perfect cup with a little experimenting for each cup you brew.
The Finish
This is a fine tea. It had the unfortunate role of being drunk right after what might be my favorite hibiscus tea ever. But there is nothing wrong with this tea at all. In fact, many of you might prefer this over many of the other teas on our list.
It hits all the flavor notes with aplomb. It has everything you want out of a hibiscus tea. All the flavor and benefits that you drink this ruby sensation for. It will not disappoint you in your quest to find your favorite hibiscus tea. In fact, it might just be your winner. Try it and find out. You can check the price of U.S. Wellness Hibiscus Tea (*affiliate link) at Amazon.
7. Davidson’s Hibiscus Flower Tea
This entry on our list comes courtesy of Davidson’s Tea. Their Hibiscus flower tea is a bagged tea and more mainstream packaging that some shoppers will find comforting. They come in 100-count boxes and are fairly inexpensive as far as hibiscus teas go. Their flavor is still good, however.
Davidson’s Hibiscus Flower Tea makes our list on merit and not on a cheaper more familiar alternative. This is good hibiscus tea. Make no mistake. It simply adds a convenience that is often not found in some of the more obscure herbal teas. You can find Davidson’s Hibiscus Flower Tea (*affiliate link) on Amazon. Give it a try I think you will enjoy it and certainly belongs among the Best Hibiscus Tea.
The Taste And Aroma
The taste of this hibiscus tea has all the familiar notes that you would expect from a good tea. The fruitiness and slightly sweet floral notes. The tanginess is present as well. But they are a little more subtle than some of the other entries on our list.
Just slightly less potent is the way I would describe it. Still delicious and possibly more desirable to someone new to herbal teas and hibiscus in general. Some of the loose-leaf brands can be a bit overwhelming for someone new to this tea. Still a very good tea, however.
Suggested Steeping Instructions
This tea is bagged so steeping is a snap. It also seems to be a little more resilient than some of the loose-leaf teas. That means you can miss your time and temperature a little bit and still get a good cup of tea.
Steeping Suggestion
- 210°F Water Is A Good Place To Start
- 1 Bag of Tea
- 4 Minutes to Steep Worked Well For Me
It is literally just drag and drop for making this tea. Even boiling water is going to give you a pretty decent cup of tea.
The Finish
I enjoy this tea quite a bit. It is not my first-choice hibiscus. But this list isn’t for me. It is for people looking to try new things. Some may never have had hibiscus tea. If that is the case then this is probably the tea that I would recommend you try first.
It will not overwhelm you and it is still a very nice cup of hibiscus tea. If you enjoy it then maybe you move up to the more flavorful examples of this tea. But I suspect many of you will find this tea exactly what you are looking for and stick with it for some time to come.
8. Starwest Botanicals Hibiscus Flowers Tea
This hibiscus comes to us from Egypt. Starwest Botanicals is an herbalist website that has some teas available. You can find it directly from the Starwest Botanicals website, check its price here. The loose-leaf flowers look great and the overall tea is very high quality. This focus on quality comes through in the taste and aroma as well.
The Taste And Aroma
This is a very good-tasting hibiscus tea and of the Best Hibiscus Tea in loose-leaf form. It is robust and fruity. And pretty strong compared to some of the others on this list. However, the strength of a given tea can change depending on a few factors. Like how long you steep it or other conditions. So it might be an outlier.
But I found the tart and tangy flavor note to be quite pronounced in this tea. The cranberry flavor that hibiscus is often compared to was out in full force for the cup of Starwest Botanicals Hibiscus Flowers Tea I used for this list. It was a wonderful drinking experience.
Steeping Instructions
These are just a suggested starting point for your steeping pleasure.
- 205°F Steep Temperature
- 5-minute Steep Time
- 2 Teaspoons of flowers
Nothing fancy. Water should be just under boiling, let it sit for a half minute or so. Then steep covered for the allotted time.
The Finish
One of the best loose-leaf hibiscus teas on this list. I don’t rate and rank the teas in these lists. I tend to save that for each individual review. Although I might add a comparison table at some point just for quick reference.
But this one would be pretty close to the top of the list. It is a great tea with a lot of flavors. But it still manages to stay pretty balanced. No one flavor profile pushes so far ahead of the others that it renders them insignificant. The tart flavor is most pronounced but not out of step with the rest of the tea. Overall this is an excellent tea-drinking experience
9. Friendship Organics Hibiscus Tea
Friendship Organics Hibiscus Tea is another of the very Best Hibiscus Tea. It is a very nice tea that is easy to drink and has all the characteristics of a great hibiscus tea.
It is 100% USDA certified Organic and it is also Fair Trade Certified. This means the people actually producing the tea aren’t getting a raw deal from the mega-corporations. This is a bagged tea, which sometimes means it has a little less flavor than a lesser brand. Not the case for Friendship Organics, however.
The Taste And Aroma
There is no diluted flavor here. This is a fantastically bold hibiscus tea despite being bagged. The fruity notes are most pronounced with the floral flavor taking a slight back seat in the tea. The aroma of a fresh bag has those floral notes in abundance, but like most hibiscus, they are lost a little in the steeping process.
The Perfect Cup
Steeping is a breeze with your premeasured bags. Just drop them in the water cover and you are off.
Friendship Organics Hibiscus Tea Steeping instructions
- The Steep Temperature Should Be 205°F
- The Time Is around 4 minutes for me
- And Of course, One Bag Does The trick
The Finish
It goes without saying that every tea on this list is very good. We only had 10 slots and everyone deserves to be here. But there is a hierarchy even on this list. And this hibiscus tea is one that definitely rises to the top. Or very close to it. It is simply a delight to drink and its bright crimson color makes for a wonderful image to look at first thing in the morning. You can find this wonderful hibiscus tea (*affiliate link) at Amazon.
10. Traditional Medicinals Hibiscus Tea
This is a blended Hibiscus tea from Traditional Medicinals. Don’t let the medical name throw you, it is still just tea. And a pretty good one at that. The blend contains Hibiscus tea, Blackberry leaf, and Lemongrass.
The Taste
Another example of the best hibiscus tea. All the flavors are present and accounted for. The slightly sweet floral and fruit. This is a blend so there is a hint of lemon from some of the other ingredients. It is a good hibiscus. But nothing over the top or exceptionally above and beyond anything else on this list. Still, it is worth your time and you can find it on Amazon. Check the current prices here. (*affiliate link)
Steeping Instructions
- 205°F Water Temperature
- A Solitary Bag Of Tea
- 5 Minutes Covered For The Steep Time
That’ll do. Short and to the point. Herbal teas tend to be the most straightforward to steep since they are a little heartier than true tea.
The Finish
There is nothing to really get excited about with this hibiscus tea. It is very good. But it doesn’t have the wow factor of a couple of the great ones on this list. Maybe it is because I have been through 30 or so brands over the last couple of days and I am pretty burned out on Hibiscus tea in general.
It is still a very nice cup of tea so give it a try. I think you might enjoy it much more than I did. In the future, I will try and spread these out over more than a week.

What To Look For When Buying A Hibiscus Tea
This will be a very quick little buyer guide for you. I wanted to put it near the end so it wasn’t in the way if you already know what to look for. The tough thing about buying loose-leaf tea over the internet is that you can really see what the leaves look like until you get them home.
Don’t be afraid to send it back if it doesn’t look right. The hibiscus flowers should be dried but not broken into pieces. Some will be of course but the majority should still be intact. You don’t want flakes and pieces. Also, there should be a minimal amount of stems in the mix to get the Best Hibiscus Tea.
The flowers in the bag should have a strong floral smell. some of this will carry over to the tea but it is common for the floral notes to subside a little bit once steeped.
The taste will vary from brand to brand but you want a fruity, tart, and tangy flavor with a little floral note. There should be a slight natural sweetness and a clean finish with no bitterness and a minimal aftertaste. That’s about it when it comes to this herbal tea. It is pretty straightforward forward really. Once you buy a couple of bags you’ll know exactly what you like and what to look for. You’ll be an expert in no time.
Closing Thoughts On The Best Hibiscus Tea Brands
That just about wraps up our look at 10 of the best Hibiscus Tea for you to try as soon as humanly possible. Hibiscus has seen a bit of a renaissance recently. But these things kind of go in cycles. It wasn’t too long ago that Rooibos tea was the greatest thing around.
The truth is that most herbal infusions have a great deal to offer in terms of our health and in terms of just plain joy when you drink them. Will they ever rival a good cup of green tea? For many, they will surpass it. It is a way for people who don’t particularly like real tea to get some of the anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals that come with these wonderful infusions.
Personally, I love tea, love how it tastes, and love how it makes me feel when I drink it. But I also love many of these herbal infusions. They are a great compliment to tea and for some a replacement. Whatever way you choose to consume these delightful beverages I wish you the best of luck in your search for that perfect cup of tea. Herbal or otherwise.
Looking For Your Next Favorite Tea? Check Out The Great Teas, Blends, and Herbal Infusions at the Art Of Tea. They have teas for every taste and occasion.
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day.
Welcome to our blog post featuring the top 10 hibiscus tea brands to try in 2023! If you’re a fan of hibiscus tea or looking to explore the world of floral-infused beverages, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best hibiscus tea brands that are sure to delight your taste buds and leave you feeling refreshed. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of the best hibiscus teas and discover the brands that stand out from the rest.