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I’m going to guess that anise seed tea is not the first herbal tea that you think of when deciding on what herbal infusion to drink. It’s certainly not the most well-recognized or the most popular herbal tea around. But it has some wonderful benefits, a great flavor, and is definitely worth your time.
What Is Anise Seed Tea? Anise Seed Tea Is an herbal infusion derived from aniseed. the seeds come from a plant in the Apiaceae family that is found in the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. It has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties.
So let’s find out more about this wonderful herbal infusion. What are some of the great benefits of drinking anise seed tea? What are some of the most commonly asked questions about it? How do you make it? What does it taste like?
If you are just looking to buy some outstanding Anise Seed Tea, I recommend Celebration Herbals Organic Anise Seed Tea, available on Amazon. It is a bagged tea which makes it very convenient for a quick cup. Hopefully, All your questions will be answered in short order. Let’s Get into it.

The Great Big Guide To Anise Seed Tea
Aniseed and Anise Seed Tea have been around for thousands of years. It is believed that Anise was first grown in the Mediterranean, particularly in Eqypt some 4000 years ago(source).
It would later be brought to Europe because of its wonder medicinal properties. Anise should not be confused with Star Anise as they are two completely different plants, although both are used to make tea from time to time.
What Does Anise Seed Tea Taste Like?
Anise Seed Tea has a licorice-type flavor to it. Although slightly less potent than true licorice root is it sometimes mistaken for it when steeped into a tea. You can get a better idea of the taste of anise seed tea in my full flavor profile for the tea right here.
Anise seed tea is often slightly sweet. Not sugary but sweet which is sometimes tough to detect, especially if you are used to sugary drinks and foods. The anise seed infusion is also incredibly smooth and drinkable and has very little bitterness regardless of how long you steep it.
How To Make Anise Seed Tea
For a more in-depth look at how to make a great cup of anise seed tea check out my full article on the subject right here.
- 1 to 2 Teaspoons of Anise Seed or 1 Bag of Anise Seed Tea. Experiment with the amount of anise seeds or powder when crafting your cup of tea. Some people even like to use 2 tea bags per cup.
- Good-Quality Spring Water or Filtered Tap Water Don’t overlook using quality water for your tea.
- Steep covered for 8-10 minutes or to taste. I usually let mine steep around 8 minutes to get as much flavor out as I can. Experiment to find your ideal steep time.
- Steep at 205°F/96°C. Just slightly below boiling. It is tough to burn anise seed tea so the temperature can be a little hotter than if you were steeping a green tea for example.
Ultimately, the most important ingredient in crafting a perfect cup of Anise Seed Tea is you. It is your cup of tea so experiment until you have it just right for your tastes.
Benefits Of Anise Seed Tea
Anise Seed Tea Has a whole load of benefits that you can reap from drinking this wonderful herbal infusion. Like many herbal teas, anise seed tea is full of antioxidants and other beneficial effects that may help with a wide variety of problems, particularly stomach issues. Supposed to have a little deeper into each one of these and see just how beneficial a nice soothing cup of anise seed tea can be
Anise Seed Has Anti-Bacterial Properties
Aniseed has been shown to have antibacterial properties. The seeds can be turned into oils and infusions that have been shown to inhibit bacteria in some studies. The anethole in Anise Seed can even help kill the bacteria that cause cholera, according to one study(source). Antibacterial properties are not uncommon in herbal infusions or in tea and general.
But as scientists study these herbal concoctions more and more we are finding that their benefits in dealing with bacteria in fungus could be much more profound than originally thought. Studies, like this one, have looked at dozens of herbal infusions to find out more about the anti-microbial benefits of herbal teas. In another study, anise extracts are shown to have antibacterial properties when used in an in vitro environment.
Anise Seed Tea Can Help Settle Digestion
Some studies have shown that anise can help fight indigestion and help settle your digestive tract. The powdered version of anise seed has been shown to reduce some of the symptoms of indigestion including stomach pain and discomfort.
This study shows a variety of benefits from anise seed tea including its benefits to the gastrointestinal system. It has also been shown to aid in digestion by reducing bloating which is sometimes associated with indigestion. The soothing effect that is associated with anise tea seems to help regulate digestion in some cases.
Many other studies, like this one, have attempted to show the relationship between anise and treating indigestion. The results were that anise was effective in relieving some symptoms of functional dyspepsia.
Anise Can Also Fight Nausea
Anise can be beneficial in the treatment of nausea. The essential oils, in particular, have been shown in some studies to quell the effects of nausea in hospice patients when used as an aromatherapy treatment. These benefits can also be seen in the anise seed tea themselves and it does have some calming properties when you drink it. However, much more research is needed to determine the actual use of anise seed in its infused tea form for fighting nausea.
Anise Seed Tea Is Full Of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are found in most herbal teas and anise seed tea is no exception. These antioxidants are crucial to maintaining a healthy body and can even go as far as destroying free radicals(source) that can cause some long-term illnesses.
Antioxidants are one of the great benefits of herbal teas and of regular tees like your standard green tea. This study shows that many herbal teas have antioxidant properties that can help boost your immune system and help deal with free radicals.
It’s one of the main reasons that people drink tea and as we learn more and more about the antioxidants and how they interact with our bodies is beginning to become very clear just how important they are for our overall well-being(source). That anise seed tea is actually delicious to drink is a nice little side effect to all that antioxidant goodness.
Anise Has Antispasmodic Effects
When you drink a cup of anise seed tea you might feel that it is actually relaxing you. While that may seem like it’s just a feeling you get when you drink it there is some evidence to suggest that anise has some anti-spasmodic and relaxing effects on the human body.
According to this study, anise has some relaxing effects on rat muscles in a controlled environment. Anise has long been used as a relaxant in folk medicine and studies like these seem to hint that it could well be the case(source).
Anise Has Anti-inflammatory Properties
Inflammation is not necessarily a bad thing. it is typically your immune system responding to harmful stimuli like an injury or infection. However chronic inflammation can lead to longer-term health issues according to some studies. Therefore anything that can help reduce unnecessary inflammation can be beneficial to your overall health. In this study, it is suggested that anise and the antioxidants it possesses have some anti-inflammatory properties.
Anise Seed Tea Side Effects
Anise seed tea is safe to consume for most people. However, if you are allergic to aniseed or similar plants then you should always check with your doctor before drinking these types of seed teas. Anise seed may act as an estrogen agent according to this study. It is something you should bring up with your doctor before drinking anise seed tea as a precaution.

Frequently Asked Questions About Anise Seed Tea
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Anise Seed tea that I could find during my research. They are pretty common questions for a wide variety of herbal infusions.
There are plenty that I have missed but I think these will give you a good overview of what people expect from their anise seed tea and what they want to know about it.
Is Anise Seed The Same As Star Anise?
Anise Seed and Star Anise are two completely separate plants. Anise seed is a flowering plant from the Apiaceae family while Star Anise comes from an evergreen tree (Illicium verum) that grows in Vietnam and parts of China(source).
Both of these plants are used in herbal infusions and are often mistaken for each other even though they are not related in any way. The interesting thing is that both of these spices have a very similar taste. They both have a quite strong licorice flavor to them and when you steep The herbal infusions they do taste very similar.
Does Anise Seed Tea Contain Sugar?
Anise Seed Tea Contains no sugar in it at all. it does have a slightly sweet flavor as part of its overall flavor profile but that doesn’t come from any sugar. The sweetness that it does have is very subtle and very different from what would be considered a sugary drink like a soda or a fruit drink.
Because Anise Seed Tea has no sugar, It is an ideal drink for anyone trying to lose weight by cutting calories out of their diet. Limiting the number of calories that you intake through your liquids is a great way to cut a huge number of calories from your diet. Herbal infusions like anise seed tea are outstanding choices to replace sugar-free high-calorie drinks in your diet.
Does Anise Seed Tea Have Calories?
Anise Seed Tea Is naturally calorie-free or at least the calories it does have are negligible. If you look in the nutritional information on anise seed tea it will usually show the beverage has zero calories because it does not meet the threshold that requires you to put the number of calories on the packaging.
Being a calorie-free beverage opens many possibilities for Anise seed tea. you can drink it on just about any type of diet when you can drink it just about any time of day. Water is typically the best no-calorie drink to have but herbal infusions are close second and anise seed tea certainly fits into that category.
Does Anise Seed Tea Have Caffeine?
Anise Tea is naturally caffeine-free. The great thing about having a caffeine-free option for your tea drinking is that you can drink it any time of the day without having to worry about the complications that caffeine can bring on.
If you want to drink Anise tea right before bed you can do so without worrying about messing up your sleep habits because it is caffeine-free. You can also drink it any time of day without having to worry about the Jitters that caffeine can sometimes bring on.
And of course, too much caffeine can be a health problem. Including increased heart rate and anxiety (source). You’ll want to limit your caffeine intake and drinking herbal infusions, like anise seed tea, that have no caffeine in them is a good way to do that.
Can You Drink Anise Tea While Fasting?
As a general rule anise seed tea is fine while you’re in a fasted state. It has no calories so it should not take you out of your fasted state. There is a school of thought that says anything other than water will draw you out of your fasted state but I have yet to see any real evidence to back that up.
The general consensus is that most herbal infusions, tea, and coffee are going to be just fine for you when you are fasting. And this certainly includes anise seed tea because it is calorie-free and great for just about any type of diet including ones that have fasting at their core.
Does Anise Seed Tea Have Any Carbs?
Anise seed tea Is a carbohydrate-free beverage. There are no sugars and there are no calories in the tea itself so it makes sense that there won’t be any carbohydrates. However, the aniseed themselves do have calories and carbohydrates in them. So if you get some of the seeds in with your tea and eat them they will supply you with carbohydrates your body will then have to burn.
But as long as you steep any seeds and strain them out or use a bagged anise tea then you are not going to have any problems with carbohydrates in your tea. This is hugely important for a wide variety of diets. If you’re on an Atkins diet, for example, you have to limit the number of carbohydrates you take in. So drinking this herbal infusion might be a great way to get some nutrients without adding calories or carbohydrates into your diet.
Is Anise Seed Tea Keto Friendly?
As an extension of anise tea being carbohydrate-free, it makes it an ideal candidate for you to drink if you are on a keto diet. Keto diets Are notoriously strict about the number of carbohydrates that you can intake during any given time period.
You need to take in almost no carbohydrates to keep your body in ketosis so that it can burn fat and you can lose weight. Water is the ideal beverage to drink while on a keto diet but Every now and again you’re going to want something with a little bit of flavor in it and anise seed tea is a great option for anyone that is on one of these very strict diets.
Not only do you get a little bit of flavor in your beverage but you get a lot of the benefits that this herbal infusion has made it a great choice for you to drink.
Does Anise Seed Tea Blend Well?
This is always a tricky one. Most herbal infusions do blind well depending on what you plan on blending them with. The problem with anise tea is that it has a very strong licorice flavor which can be a little bit difficult to pair with other flavors without having the licorice flavor completely overpower the other flavors.
So, for example, I wouldn’t necessarily blend Anise tea with chamomile tea because you would barely be able to taste the chamomile because it is a floral and very subtle tea to drink. So you want to pair anise tea with bolder flavors that can really meet the licorice flavor on even terms and hold its own.
Here are three good Blends that I like with my Anise tea.
- Anise Tea And Cinnamon – Cinnamon is always a great addition to anise tea because it’s not going to be overwhelmed by the licorice flavor, in fact, it adds to the flavor by bringing its own spicy little kick that cinnamon is known for. It also brings a nice warm and smoothness to an already smooth herbal infusion.
- Anise Tea And Vanilla – Similar to Cinnamon, vanilla is strong enough to stand up to the robust licorice flavor of the anise seed tea. It doesn’t bring the same spiciness that cinnamon does but it does bring an incredibly smooth flavor that adds to the overall drinkability of the anise seed tea.
- Anise Tea And Ginger – The last one is a personal favorite of mine because I think Ginger pairs well with just about any herbal infusion or regular tea for that matter. It brings its unique peppery spicy flavor to the anise tea and really changes the complexion of the herbal infusion. It’s fantastic in a recommended way to give it a try.
Are Anise Seeds Edible?
Aniseeds are indeed edible. However, it’s best to eat them in small portions. Most recipes don’t call for a whole lot of aniseed because their flavor is so potent. So while it’s frequently used in cooking you use a whole lot of it or see a whole lot of it in your finished dishes.
You can often find aniseed produced into oils powders and extracts that are used in cooking and baking. But again these are typically used in small portions for whatever recipe you are cooking with the aniseed.
What Else Can You Do With Anise Seed?
Aniseed has a wide variety of uses outside of herbal infusions. Its licorice flavor is often used in candies and sweets. Aniseed is used in a wide variety of cooking and baked dishes especially in the Mediterranean where it grows natively. It is also popular in products such as essential oils and other aromatherapy uses where it is believed to have medicinal properties that can help with a variety of problems.
My favorite Anise Seed Tea
There are plenty of places that you can find anise seed tea. and of course, you can create your own by grinding up some of the see you then Brewing them yourselves. However, for seed herbal teas I much prefer using a bagged product. I just find it much less of a hassle to make a quick cup of herbal seed tea. I’ve never had much luck steeping whole seeds and getting a cup of tea that I found satisfactory.
I always end up having to grind up the seeds in a mortar and pestle in order to get the best out of those seeds when I decide to steep an herbal infusion. Finding a bag of anise seed tea it’s not as easy as you might think. There are only a few brands out there that have this type of product.
The one that I go to whenever I want a cup of this tea is Celebration Herbals Organic Anise Seed Tea, available on Amazon. It has a great flavor and is an excellent representation of anise seed tea. I highly recommend it for anyone who is looking to try anise seed tea for the first time or if you’re looking for a new brand to try then this is the one for you.
The Anise Seed Tea Finish
That brings us to the end of our journey into the world of Anise Seed Tea. I know there are probably questions that are left on answered but I think we got the big ones out of the way. There are so many great benefits to drinking this wonderful robust herbal infusion. It may go overlooked quite often by the mainstream and even buy some tea drinkers.
But this is a fantastic herbal infusion that I think everyone should give it a try at least once. It is certainly not going to be for everybody because of that robust licorice flavor. But if you enjoy that type of strong tea then you might enjoy this herbal infusion. Always experiment with new flavor combinations and blends for anise seed tea because you’re never going to know what you come up with.
I think herbal seed teas are really poised to become much more mainstream and much more popular in the coming years. Right now it’s dominated by flower herbal teas like chamomile and bush herbal teas like rooibos. But the time will come when seed tea, like anise and fennel, are going to really come into their own and people are going to be drinking them and enjoying them as we have for years already.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.